Clean up your forest
Project focused on orienteering clubs.
Do you also mind if you bury all kinds of garbage in the forest? In addition, some garbage (such as rusted pots and cans) is not only ugly, but also dangerous for runners like we are and for wildlife. Microplastics are also not a welcome material in the nature….
Many of us collect garbage in the woods, some even in an organized way. But there are not enough of us for the flood and no one knows about it either.
Let's change both! There are more than 11,000 registered O-athletes in Czech republic, and during training we will get to places where even a mushroom picker will not get lost. If everyone collects only one garbage from the forest per week (e.g., a 25-gram plastic bottle), it will be over 14 tons of garbage per year, which you will not meet in the forest during the next training or race!
Start by letting others know about what, how much and where you collect on Facebook.
We will all know how much it will be together over time - we are preparing an application on how to add it up and visualize the results. We are convinced that our O-community community has much more! Maybe an ambitious 100 tons a year.